


  • Q. 为什么我没有收到入学考试成绩? 我能知道结果吗?

    除非家长同意,否则我们不会公布分数. If you would like a copy of your student’s exam scores you may contact Fenwick by fax or email, 请不要为这个请求打电话. 除了, when faxing or emailing a request authorizing Fenwick to release your student’s exam results, 请注明您希望将结果发送到哪里. 请发邮件给. Cathy Kaszuba在
  • Q. 我如何申请经济资助?

    申请必须在网上完成. Fenwick使用FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment, an independent, outside provider to collect and analyze family financial data. FACTS申请流程开始 在这里
  • Q. 我什么时候能知道我学生的课程表?

    你们学生的课程表将于7月在Blackbaud上公布. 如果你有任何疑问,你可以联系学生服务中心 (708) 948-0341.
  • Q. 为什么我的学生没有上优等班?

    Fenwick’s curriculum is very unique and designed to challenge all of our students. Every freshman in the college prep sequence will be taking six academic courses. 适用于在大一开始学习荣誉课程的学生, he or she scored in the 90th percentile or higher in the various basic skills on the entrance exam. 例如, Honors English and Honors World 历史 are determined by percentile scores in Reading, 语言/语法, 以及入学考试的语言成绩. If your student has a 90% average, he or she will automatically be offered the honors course.
  • Q. 如果我的学生没有获得荣誉课程, does that mean that he/she will never be eligible for an honors level course?

    No, in fact the curriculum is designed to offer courses that will challenge each student and his or her individual ability as they progress through high school. 通常, 进入荣誉课程, the student will need to maintain an A average in that course throughout his/her freshman year and have an instructor recommendation. Check the Course Selection Guide for individual course prerequisites for moving into honors level courses at the sophomore level and beyond. Also, have your student discuss their intent with his or her counselor during their freshman year.
  • Q. If my student did not get AP/Honors Biology, how does that affect his or her science curriculum?

    大学预科生物, Biology Honors and Advanced Placement Biology classes are offered to a select group of freshmen that qualify. Families should have been notified in the acceptance letter if your child qualified for one of these courses. If a student did not qualify for any of the Biology sections for his/her freshman year, he/she will still complete the three years of science with the remaining three years at Fenwick. 然而, 如果他或她想读第四年理科, 学生可以报名参加esball世博的暑期学校科学课程. Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science are all offered each summer.
  • Q. 我怎么知道该选哪门表达艺术课?

    Students may choose from the following classes to fulfill their 富有表现力的艺术 requirement: Concert Band, 打击乐团1, 管弦乐, 高音或低音合唱团, 音乐欣赏, 工作室艺术概览, 或剧场1. 所有器乐课程都要求有演奏乐器的经验. Students who would like to learn to play a band instrument may sign up for Beginning Band, but this class does not fulfill the 富有表现力的艺术 requirement and is counted as an elective credit. 请与 表现艺术系系主任 关于表达艺术课程的问题.
  • Q. What is the language requirement and what is the level II placement test about?

    esball世博有四年的语言要求. 我们提供法语、德语、意大利语、拉丁语和西班牙语. 许多语言提供高级的荣誉/AP课程. 大二之后, each student needs to have fulfilled specific requirements during the first two years to continue on in the third and fourth year of the language. Should the specifications not be met, the student will have to switch to an alternate language. 如果你的孩子在文法学校上过语言课, 我们鼓励他/她参加世界语言分班考试, 四月份的课程. Please look for a communication sent from our esball世博 team 了解更多信息 regarding the dates and times for the placement test. 请随时与世界语言系主任联系, 萨曼莎Carraher, 你有什么问题吗?
  • Q. 为什么我的学生要在五月参加数学分班考试?

    If your student did not qualify for Honors Math based on data from the entrance exam and you think he/she may qualify after completing more of their 8th grade math curriculum, 学生可以在五月参加分班考试. 所有的决定都是由数学系主任做出的. 
  • Q. 我必须为我的学生注册有条件的暑期学校课程吗? 我必须注册esball世博提供的强化课程吗?

    如果你的学生被推荐参加暑期课程, you must enroll him or her in the summer school courses indicated on the acceptance letter. 网上注册已完成 在这里. 除此之外, Fenwick offers summer enrichment courses in which any student may sign up if he/she chooses to do so. 暑期学校报名截止日期为4月9日星期一. 8 to receive an early bird discount and Friday, 五月 24 for final registration.
  • Q. 我该怎么处理夏季运动夏令营和秋季运动选拔赛?

    Information on athletics and summer camps can be obtained by contacting the Athletic Department or Athletic Director, 斯科特·蒂斯( at (708) 948-0343 or (708) 948-0314. We also encourage each family to check out our 体育运动 section on our website. 秋季运动的选拔很可能在开学前进行, so watch the calendar and our website for upcoming notices as well as Parent/Student Resource Boards in Blackbaud.
  • Q. 以后还会有邮件吗?

    T在这里 will be future mailings with the school calendar, reminders of upcoming events, and schedules. 通常,夏季每个月有一次. 如果你在7月之前还没有收到任何邮件, 请联络学生资料主任, 迈克尔·柯林斯(以确认您的邮寄地址.
  • Q. 如果我对健康和医疗记录有疑问怎么办?

    你可以esball世博学校的护士. 唐娜·佩普(,电话708-386-0127 ext 170. 最新的记录将在新学年开始前提交.
  • Q. 我的大一学生需要暑假阅读吗?

    是的. 该名单将分为荣誉课程和大学预科课程的书籍. 请从6月中旬开始查看我们的网站. 图书需要在8月份开学前购买并阅读. 对小说的评估将在开学的第一周进行.
  • Q. 我的学生在学年期间有什么交通工具?

    北区的信息表, Southside and Train Station bus routes will be included in the summer mailing. Fenwick offers school bus transportation from the Burlington Northern line (pick up in Riverside, drop-off in Berwyn) and the Union Pacific West line (pick up and drop off a Lake/Marian station in Oak Park). Our North Side bus route services students on the Northwest Side of Chicago, 一直往北到福斯特. 我们的南区巴士路线为芝加哥西南区的学生提供服务, 一直往南到63街. 请参阅我们的 交通及停车页面 了解更多信息.
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